Presentations at Conferences and Workshops (selection)
‘Emergent Causation and Property Causation’, Emergence in Mind Conference, Belfast 2007.
‘Perception and Phenomenal Qualities’, Phenomenal Qualities Project Conference, 15th-17th April 2011.
‘Imaginative Content’, Perceptual Imagination and Perceptual Memory Conference, September 6-9th 2011.
‘Truth More Respected than Loved’, Aims of Inquiry and Cognition 25th-26th May 2012
‘Evaluative Perception’, Evaluative Perception Conference in Glasgow, 12th-14th September 2013.
‘Counterfactual Theory of Causation’, College de France, December 6th 2013.
‘Two.. no Three Kinds of Emergence’, Glasgow Emergence Project (funded from Durham Emergence Project), 25th-26th May 2015.
‘Mental Image in Memory’, Antwerp 9th-10th June 2015.
'Modes of Sensuous Content' University of Fribourg 28th-29th May 2016.
‘Emergent Causation and Property Causation’, Emergence in Mind Conference, Belfast 2007.
‘Perception and Phenomenal Qualities’, Phenomenal Qualities Project Conference, 15th-17th April 2011.
‘Imaginative Content’, Perceptual Imagination and Perceptual Memory Conference, September 6-9th 2011.
‘Truth More Respected than Loved’, Aims of Inquiry and Cognition 25th-26th May 2012
‘Evaluative Perception’, Evaluative Perception Conference in Glasgow, 12th-14th September 2013.
‘Counterfactual Theory of Causation’, College de France, December 6th 2013.
‘Two.. no Three Kinds of Emergence’, Glasgow Emergence Project (funded from Durham Emergence Project), 25th-26th May 2015.
‘Mental Image in Memory’, Antwerp 9th-10th June 2015.
'Modes of Sensuous Content' University of Fribourg 28th-29th May 2016.